RestartLand primary goal is the optimization and reduction of CO2 emissions (Carbon Credit), the waste reduction (Supply Chain), the promotion and spread of renewable energy systems (Agrivoltaic, agrophotovoltaics , agrisolar and Biomethane), encouraging restocking of internal areas (Energy Communities, Green Community).
Integrated solutions for sustainability,
efficiency and energy transition

We promote the ecological transition
The most recent IPCC Special Report “Climate Change and Land” reiterated the importance of soil and cultivation methods as drivers in the fight against climate change. The report underlines the need to act on agricultural production by adopting all carbon sequestration and emission reduction measures, considers bioenergy among the solutions to spread, in an appropriate and calibrated way according to the reference background.
In summary, it has been recognized that the agricultural-forestry sector represents, thanks to the chlorophyll photosynthesis that takes place when the soil is “cultivated”, the only sector capable of operating at a significant scale with the planet’s carbon capture and storage cycle .
The areas of interest of the RESTARLAND project embrace the key principles of the energy transition:
- the safety and protection of the Italian territory through the promotion of urban and extra-urban forestry activities;
- la modernizzazione digitale delle aziende agricole agriculture 4.0;
- the boost to use photovoltaic and biogas renewable energies.
RestartLand’s areas of intervention for the Ecological Transition
To whom is Restartland addressed?
Restartland provides investors and the world of agriculture with innovative solutions related to energy, such as the enhancement of the resources of the agro-zootechnical sector, precision agriculture, scientific research on aspects of great interest such as microalgae, or vertical farming which represents to all effects a social revolution or the crowning of the modern concept of urban agriculture. In technological innovation, the world of agriculture in general, and animal husbandry in particular, will have to make the most of tools in the coming decades, such as those of Restartland, capable of achieving the challenging goals for the ecological transition.
Single Farmers
Consortium Partner Farmers
Land owners
Local Public Authority
Our Enterprise network
A Business Network with the common goal of combining corporate support and partnership strategies with the active promotion of the ecological transition.
Renewia S.p.A., promoter of the network, has signed an agreement with Enel X Italia s.r.l. for the creation of Energy Communities with the aim of autonomously generating, consuming and managing renewable energy.
Our working group is made up of:


Giving local answers to global challenges
Hub Restartland in Italia
Manned territories: Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Lazio, Abruzzo, Sud Toscana Occidentale
Hub Regionale | Provincia | Comune | Impianto |
Basilicata | Matera | Matera | 3 - Fotovoltaico |
Basilicata | Potenza | Grumento Nova | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Calabria | Crotone | Crotone | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Emilia Romagna | Ferrara | Ferrara | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Molise | Campobasso | Baranello | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Acquaviva delle Fonti | 4 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Alberobello | 5 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Conversano | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Gravina | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Monopoli | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Noci | 40 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Putignano | 3 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Sammichele di Bari | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Bari | Gioia del Colle | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Brindisi | Brindisi | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Brindisi | Fasano | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | Laterza | 3 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | Mottola | 3 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | San Basilio | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | San Giorgio Jonico | 1 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | Statte | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Puglia | Taranto | Taranto | 2 - Fotovoltaico |
Toscana | Grosseto | Orbetello | 1 - Biogas |